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Terms of Service

Welcome to CalcSwift! By accessing, browsing, or using this website, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. Please carefully review this agreement before proceeding, as your use of the site signifies your consent to these terms.

Use of Services: Your use of our services is subject to the terms, conditions, guidelines, and policies outlined in this agreement. You are expected to adhere to these rules and conditions before utilizing our services. CalcSwift reserves the right to modify this website and the associated terms and conditions at any time.

Content Guidelines: You agree not to upload, distribute, or publish any Content, information, or materials that contain harmful code, violate laws, or infringe upon the rights of others. This includes any content that could give rise to legal liability or that is discriminatory, obscene, defamatory, or offensive.

Account Usage: Upon receiving an account identification and password, you are authorized to access and use the site within the parameters of this agreement. You are responsible for any access or use originating from your account.

Age Certification: By accepting these Terms of Service, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. Users under 18 should only use this site under the guidance of a parent or legal guardian.

Limited License: CalcSwift grants you a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to access and use the site for personal shopping purposes. Any unauthorized use will result in the immediate revocation of this license.

Use of Site Contents: All materials, including text, images, designs, and other content (the "Contents"), are intended for personal, non-commercial use unless explicitly permitted otherwise. Commercial use or use on behalf of a third party is prohibited without express permission.

Our Right to Refuse Service: We reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, or cancel orders at our discretion if customer conduct is deemed harmful or in violation of applicable laws.

Restrictions and Responsibilities: You are responsible for all activity on your account, including any unauthorized use. Safeguard your password and identification. Unauthorized use or breach of security must be promptly reported.

Compliance with Laws: You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using our services.

Your use of CalcSwift signifies your acceptance of these terms. If you have any questions or require clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for being a part of CalcSwift!


The CalcSwift Team